Sunday 27 September 2009


Failed this weekend, yet again. Every weekend is exactly the same, i'll tell myself that im not going to fall into the trap of eating all the junk food my family insist on eating every weekend. But i do every single time. I did so bad on Friday, yesterday i fasted till about 10pm then ate sauage and chips. Yuck, i dont even like it so i dont know why the hell i ate it! Im too scared to weigh myself, i think ive probly put on about 7lbs. Im stuck in all day today so i had to have some dinner, but ive only had chicken and vegtables.

I was so stressed out last night, i was like a mad person. I was pacing around my house till 3am like a lost dog. I just wanted to get out of my skin, im so frustrated with myself. Ive taken up smoking again, it eases the pain for about two minutes. But at least its meant to suppress your apitite(please excuse my awful spelling). Im fasting the rest of today, until maybe Thursdayy? hmm. I usually find it easier in the week so hopefully i will be in the 160's by next weekend. One of my best friends is off to Paris this week modelling, im going to miss her loads!! And im so jelous of her lol, when i get down to 125lbs i may try my luck at it.

Oh and i bought the september issue on DVD this weekend, its like a documentry on the making of vogue. The models on it are great thinspo, so i think ill watch that later so get me in the right mind set for the rest of the week.
Also, i was wondering how much you guys exercise? and what do you do? . . Im terrible about exercising but im going to try and keep it up as long as i can, i have an addictive personality so hopefully ill get addicted!
I hope you all had a better weekend than me, and thanks for the support. Its nice to know theres other people going through the same sort of things.

Lexy xx


  1. i try and jog like 4 or 5 times a week, but i am one lazy mo-fo and dont usually manage it. i do usually get at least one or two jogs in tho, usually for around 30 mins! & I do 50 sit ups everynight before bed & 20 leg lifts on each side, and 10 press ups !
    good luck x

  2. heyy you know its okay, that you screwed up. we all do!

    and ohhh you have to give a review on the sept. issue! i REALLY want to see it!

    i also think that modeling would be really fun=]

    but just remember that you can do this!


  3. When I work out, I circuit train...So I do 15 minutes each on the treadmill, elliptical, bike, and stairstepper.

  4. You should try out this belt and watch thingy that tell you how much calories you burn and your heart rate. It really helps me out :).
    I`ll try to keep up with the fasting monday :)
    I also can`t start today because weekends are always all about eating, and I kind of gave up on this one... so, tomorrow :)
    Plus, I`ll be promising you that I`ll behave, not myself, that should help cause I`ll be too embarassed to lose control xD.

  5. With the exercising, you need to find something that works for you.. Im a very obsessive exerciser.. and usually workout for about 5 hours a day generally doing cardio.
    Lately though, while im studying, thats quite impossible as im short for time so i have been doing an hour and a half every night, remember you need a warm up, intense workout and then a cool down.. dont forget to stretch or you're going to pull muscles and wont be able to workout again for a few days after, you dont want that happening!
    Push ups are excellent to work on your upper-body strength, but i suggest planks; they work your arms, core and ass. Wall squats for your legs.
    Cardio - you should go for long runs, find different routes around your area, keep it interesting :)
    Good luck xx
