Friday 2 October 2009

You could drop a few pounds.

This week has been one of the worst. I'll start with last night, i was ollys house. We havent been that close lately at all, we are kind of drifting apart. He'll be really nice to me, make me feel like im the only person in the world who matters. We'll have sex, then he wont pay much attention to me until he wants sex again. And i fall for it everytime, thinking that maybe he actually means it this time. Im starting to wonder whether he's ever actually cared for me or he was just buttering me up. So now he's more like my bit on the side rather than my boyfriend lol. Anyway, i was getting changed and he just out of nowhere said 'you could drop a few pounds'. And i know i need to its just that it came out of nowhere, he had this smirk on his face like he just wanted to hurt me. I hate him sometimes. When im thin he wont ever want to leave me, he wont want anybody else. And even though hes a complete bastard most of the time i still love him.

And to top it all off, i purged this afternoon. I havent purged in about a year, its so addictive. But im not stupid and im not starting that off again. Today ive just felt very sorry for myself lol. I went to college this morning, then to ollys for sex haha, gave into his games again. Oh well at least i burned a few calories off, then binged like a mad woman. Purged it all up, had a boiling hot bath and smoked twenty ciggarettes and i hardly ever smoke. Think i might just watch a film now and tomorrows a new day. I think ill set myself a realistic goal of 600 calories, then lower it day by day. Until im fasting again, i love fasting.

I hope you are all doing well. And thankyou all for the supportive comments:):)

Lexy xx


  1. Girl,
    Never let a guy treat you like that
    I'm saying it if you're drifting apart after sex then he only wants sex from you. it doesn't matter how much he loves you, he dosent love you for YOU. he loves what you can DO for him.
    His little comment. Don't let that get to you. You're losing weight for YOU not for HIM and DO NOT forget that!

  2. If you are still on the plan of watching a film, I might recomend The butterfly effect. I watched it yesterday and I liked it very much, it makes you think.
    About the guy,... and this is just my opinion... but you deserve much much much better than him. I mean I don`t even know him, but after what I`ve read about him (and taking into account that you seem like a really nice person) he just doesn`t deserve you!
    But anyway, I hope you make decisions according to what you think is right :)
    take care okay?

  3. He said that to you?! You should have kneed him in the balls!

  4. I wouldn't take that comment seriously. He was trying to hurt you. He hurts you every time he uses you like that. Lose for you, not him. Or just lose him.



  5. What a jackass! I know that this may hurt but, i don't think that he loves you. And he won't do it even if you weighed 40 kg. Why? because if he loved you,he would love you the way you are right now. He just doesn't deserve you.

    Take care

  6. Hello, I'm new to Blogger, but I love reading your blog. Anyways, you can do MUCH better than that guy. You should leave his ass, and then when you are all skinny and beautiful he will see even more what he is missing.

    Stay strong.

  7. That guy clearly doesn't deserve you; anyone who really cared about you the way a boyfriend should would not say anything like that to you. I advise breaking up with him, but it's totally up to you since you still love him.
    And about his little comment; ignore him, if you're trying to lose weight then that's the main thing! Don't do it for him, do it for you, and you'll feel better because you're not putting yourself through this for someone who can't appreciate you.

    Stay strong girl :)

  8. ''you could drop a few pounds'' thats so mean! This guy sound like a real jerk... but please don't sleep with him anymore otherwise he'll think it's alright to put you down like that... and you are worth so much more than that!

    Anyway it's been a while since your last post I hope you're going well! Stay strong!
